★ 關笑華,國泰航空服務員工會前主席,首次出版自傳,全方位記述她六十年人生的故事!
★ 鄭經翰、李柱銘、李卓人作序推薦!
關笑華(Becky Kwan)
From 1970s disco-dolly, to 1980s trolley-dolly, to 1990s union leader on the front line of resistance against an airline management which was hurriedly transforming itself from benevolent paternalist to venal capitalist, as then inspired and legitimised by Margaret Thatcher and Deng Xiaoping: this is the story of Becky’s personal and professional challenges, inside and outside court, in the struggle for flight attendants’ terms, conditions and dignity, against the collaborative powers of a hubristic, lupine cadre of company directors and a hostile government.